I went with some of our other ambassadors (Kristin, Chris, Nick and Allison) to the Spring Ball the Friday before finals. We had such a great time! We took a bunch of ridiculous prom-like pictures before at Kristin's apartment in the North End. Nick was so sweet and bought all the ladies roses. Then we went to the Royal Sonesta hotel in Cambridge for the ball. They served a really nice dinner and raffled off finals survival kits. Of course none of us won anything. But I'm one of those people who, at my own prom in high school, was one of like six people who did not win something at the after prom party. C'est la vie. So then we dance for a while. I had such a wonderful time! I love to dance. "Just Dance" is my theme song to life right now.
I don't know how much I'll be blogging this summer since I'll be working. But hopefully I'll keep you posted on the ongoings of my summer in Boston!