In my entire college experience, I have not yet gone home to Maryland for Thanksgiving. My first year I stayed in Boston and had dinner with my aunts and uncle. My brother also came up to celebrate with us. My sophomore year I went to Florida to visit my dad's side of the family. That Thanksgiving was interesting because when I left Boston it was snowing and when I arrived in Florida it was 80 degrees. We had dinner outside on the patio next to the pool. Not quite a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Last year the semester ended so early that it seemed silly to go home for Thanksgiving and then come back a week later for winter break. So I went to Vermont with my aunt, uncle and his family. My uncle's dad used to be the executive chef for the Blair House (which is where international guests of the White House stay when they are on official visits to DC). He made us dinner which was absolutely incredible! It was very quaint-- we stayed in a friend's log cabin on a mountain with only a few surrounding houses and a general store down the street. We got to sit in the hot-tub while it was snowing outside around us. So amazing.
This is the first year that I am going to Maryland to have Thanksgiving dinner in my own house. It is going to be kind of strange though because my flight schedule is really weird this year. It was going to cost over $300 to bring me home from Wednesday through Sunday. So I am flying home Thursday morning (arriving around noon) and then flying back on Saturday morning at the crack of dawn. I suppose it will be nice to miss the crowds and the chaos that is Thanksgiving travel, but I feel really strange about flying home by myself on Thanksgiving. I always fly by myself-- at least 5 times a year I am on a plane alone. It is weird to me when I actually do travel with people. But it seems like it is going to be so lonely on Thanksgiving morning! I know that a lot of people travel on Thanksgiving day, but generally they have family or friends with them. I can't have mom's traditional homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast, I won't be able to watch the parade, and I will be all by myself :(
But at least I should be thankful for the fact that I am blessed with a family who I love so much that I can go home to on the holidays. A lot of people don't have that. Maybe the travelling situation is not ideal, but I will be fine because I have so many things to be grateful for!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thanksgiving Dinner with the Ambassadors
Kristin had all the Ambassadors over this weekend for "Not your average Thanksgiving dinner" at her apartment in the North End. We each were responsible for bringing a dish. We had baked ziti, sushi, salad, eggplant parm, mashed potatoes and garlic bread. I made a regular cheesecake and a pumpkin cheesecake (which was an experiment but it turned out deliciously). Chris made a cake and put all of our initials on it. There were only a few Ambassadors that couldn't make it. We all got dressed up and had dinner together and took lots of funny prom-like pictures. It was so much fun! Ambassador Love <3
Prior to Thanksgiving dinner, Delia and I went to the annual tree lighting ceremony in Faneuil Hall. Wally the Green Monster, the Red Sox mascot was there as well as Santa. Apparently the tree at Faneuil hall is the tallest lit Christmas tree in New England!

The one below is my favorite! All (or most of) the Ambassador girls which now includes Andrew, naturally. He came to our Ambassador girl sleepover a few weeks ago and has been included in that group since :)

Monday, November 16, 2009
Playing catch up
It seems like I haven't blogged in forever! A lot has happened... well a lot and not a lot at the same time...
We had Open House on Saturday which was great! There is one day of the year that is guaranteed to rain from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm, and that is Open House day. I can't even remember a time that I was more wet, I haven't even ever been that wet in the shower! But it was one of those things where I decided in the beginning of the day that I was going to be wet and I was going to love it! And I do think Boston is magical in the rain, so I must admit that I did sincerely enjoy it to some degree. I was really surprised at the turnout and the general enthusiasm for the day. Although the weather could be described as dismal, prospective students and their families were excited to be on campus and to be learning about our programs. Usually people are miserable when they come for tours in the rain, but everyone was in a decent mood.
I was chosen to speak at the Welcomes-- first in the C. Walsh Theater and then in the Donahue Cafe. The theater seats between 300 and 400 people, so I can honestly say that has been my biggest audience to date. I was really nervous beforehand, but everything went really well. I was very proud of myself. As cheesy as it sounds, I enjoy reaching out to students by sharing my experience with them. When I was going through my college search, talking to other students about their experiences was the most important decision factor for me. It is nice to be able to do that for others.
Thanksgiving is next week which seems unreal. I am always saying this, but I cannot believe how quickly the semester has flown by. I went window shopping the other day with my friend and we stopped in this Christmas store. Although I am so not ready for the holiday season yet, I must admit that I got really excited! A further confession, I had an eggnog latte the other day. It wasn't even that cold out and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet, but I really wanted one. It was delicious and definitely gave me some holiday cheer. I know it is ridiculous that I base my feelings about the changing of seasons on Starbucks' seasonal beverages. But what can I say? There is nothing like a pumpkin spice latte in the fall or an eggnog latte in the winter or a flavored iced coffee in the summer... Yay! It's almost winter break :)
We had Open House on Saturday which was great! There is one day of the year that is guaranteed to rain from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm, and that is Open House day. I can't even remember a time that I was more wet, I haven't even ever been that wet in the shower! But it was one of those things where I decided in the beginning of the day that I was going to be wet and I was going to love it! And I do think Boston is magical in the rain, so I must admit that I did sincerely enjoy it to some degree. I was really surprised at the turnout and the general enthusiasm for the day. Although the weather could be described as dismal, prospective students and their families were excited to be on campus and to be learning about our programs. Usually people are miserable when they come for tours in the rain, but everyone was in a decent mood.
I was chosen to speak at the Welcomes-- first in the C. Walsh Theater and then in the Donahue Cafe. The theater seats between 300 and 400 people, so I can honestly say that has been my biggest audience to date. I was really nervous beforehand, but everything went really well. I was very proud of myself. As cheesy as it sounds, I enjoy reaching out to students by sharing my experience with them. When I was going through my college search, talking to other students about their experiences was the most important decision factor for me. It is nice to be able to do that for others.
Thanksgiving is next week which seems unreal. I am always saying this, but I cannot believe how quickly the semester has flown by. I went window shopping the other day with my friend and we stopped in this Christmas store. Although I am so not ready for the holiday season yet, I must admit that I got really excited! A further confession, I had an eggnog latte the other day. It wasn't even that cold out and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet, but I really wanted one. It was delicious and definitely gave me some holiday cheer. I know it is ridiculous that I base my feelings about the changing of seasons on Starbucks' seasonal beverages. But what can I say? There is nothing like a pumpkin spice latte in the fall or an eggnog latte in the winter or a flavored iced coffee in the summer... Yay! It's almost winter break :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Halloween and Such

I spent Halloween in Salem with my aunts. We did a corn maze the night before which was fun. I've never done one before. At first we thought it was too easy, but when we got royally lost I realized how creepy it is to be surrounded by dead stalks of corn at night with only one flashlight for five people. It is really nice that my aunts live in Salem because when we got tired of all the crazies on the street, we could go back to their apartment to hang out.
My costume this year was very lame-- I just wasn't feeling the excitement of dressing up this year. Although I'm from Maryland, I am through and through a Red Sox fan. For Halloween I wore a pink Orioles hat and my aunt's sweatshirt and went as an O's fan. I made a sign that said 2010 World Series Champs with the zeros in the 2010 the orange O's logo. Lame, but it was easy and cost me no money. It's funny because when I told my friends in Maryland what I was going to be, the reaction I mainly got was resentment that my costume was mocking. But when I told New Englanders that I was going to be an O's fan, pretty much none of them got it. Most of them didn't even realize I was talking about the Baltimore Orioles. It is so sad that Maryland sports are terrible-- one day they will triumph :) In the meantime, New Englanders will fail to understand the pain that MD goes through and I will continue to be a Red Sox and Celtics fan! Anyway, the best part of going to Salem is just looking at all the crazy costumes and decorations out there. People are so creative on Halloween, I love it!
On Tuesday the Program Council at Suffolk put on an event at the House of Blues on Landsdowne Street. Sean Kingston and Girl Talk performed just for Suffolk students. Tickets were only $15! It was a lot of fun. There were glow sticks and confetti and dancing. I didn't know who Girl Talk was prior to going to the concert. He is this insane DJ who started off mixing music and was shortly thereafter discovered in New York City. He was nuts! And he had some really awesome (and I mean hilarious) dance moves. It was a good time-- I saw a lot of ambassadors and my other friends there. I love going to these Suffolk events because there are so many people there who you know. It makes it all the more fun! I always love a good dance party :)
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