Thursday, April 2, 2009

How 'bout them Celtics!

I went to my first Celtics game last week. I got a call from my uncle to tell me that the person he was going with couldn't make and inquiring if I wanted to go. "Absolutely!" was my answer. Once I hung up the phone it occured to me that the call came on April 1st. So I called him right back to say that it would be terribly mean to have me thinking I was going to a game if I really wasn't.

It wasn't an April Fools trick and I had such a great time! I don't know a whole lot about basketball, but it was probably one of the more interesting games of the season. We played the North Carolina Bobcats--word on the street (meaning a friend of mine informed me) is that they are not all that much of a challenge to play. This game went into double overtime and was won by Ray Allen in the last two seconds. The game was tied 93 to 93 at the end of the fourth quarter. Ray Allen shot a 3-pointer to get us into the first overtime in the last 6 seconds. He shot another 3-pointer to get us into the second overtime. And he shot another 3-pointer to win the game in the last 2 seconds! For somone who doesn't know a lot about basketball, I was on my feet, adrenaline pumping, cheering at the top of my lungs. I must say it was kind of an awesome first game.

Last summer I watched the NBA finals when the Celtics won. I remember coming home from working at the restaurant in Maryland and sitting in my room watching the final game. None of my family was awake because it was late. When the Celtics won I called my aunt and uncle because I felt like I needed desperately to share the excitment with fellow Bostonians. This was my introduction to basketball in that I was trying to figure out what was going on all by myself. Naturally, I was trying to decide which player I connected with the best because it is so much better to watch a team when you have a favorite player. But it was hard to tell at first since Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Ray Allen all put on a good show. I did like Allen a lot because of his 3 point shots. After this game I'm proud to say that Allen is my man. Now I just have to get myself a shirt with his name on it. It's perfect because green and white are my favorite colors :) 

1 comment:

  1. The Celtic games are so much fun! I'm glad it wasn't an April Fool's joke, that wouldn't have been nice!
