Friday, February 26, 2010

Quel Matin!

What a morning! There has been a ridiculous amount of rain the past few days which is supposed to continue for several more. There was coastal flooding where I live in Winthrop which in turn caused terrible morning traffic. Normally it takes the bus about 15 minutes to get me to the train from my apartment. I sat on the bus for 45 minutes before even getting to the T. Crazy, I've never seen traffic so backed up in Winthrop before. Of course I had an exam in la classe de francais this morning, so I'm frantically calling mon amie to tell our professor that I would be late. With some kind of miracle I made it to class exactly on time-- the train coming very quickly after the long delay on the bus and my running to Donahue helped :) But I think I did well on my exam, so that is good news!

I realized this morning that I have exactly two weeks until I leave for Morocco on the Global Travel Seminar. That is NUTS! I am going to Africa in two weeks. WHOA. I am so not prepared-- I have not done enough reading about the culture, the sights, the food, etc. I have not familiarized myself with business and cultural etiquette. I need to go shopping for things that are essential, and not so essential. Like a new spring coat and a few more skirts. But also essential things like a new memory card for my camera, a lot of hand sanitizer, and a watch since I will be leaving my cell phone in the States. I need to think about what I'm going to wear, what suitcases I need to bring, what I am going to do about power outlet converters, and the list goes on. I also have to find time to watch Casablanca before I go because it has been a couple of years since I've seen it. On top of all of that, I need to figure out hygiene stuff since I'll be going to Morocco, not Europe, and how the water will affect me. AH I'm so unprepared. But I'm so freaking excited!!!!

I have a lot to do before I go for my other classes. It seems like every professor threw a midterm, project or paper at us this week, all due before spring break. I'm trying to find the time to do all of those, and do them well, in addition to reading about Morocco and preparing to go to another continent in two weeks. For the first month of the semester I was extremely relaxed, and not necessarily the most productive. Partly because everything substantial I've had until this point is due in the next two weeks. Of course, as I'm learning the art of procrastination, I've left all the research and work I could have been doing since the semester began for these two weeks. Stupid. Don't let it happen to you!

But all of my stress doesn't matter too much if you put things into perspective because I'm going to Morocco in two weeks! I am going to Africa in 14 days! AHHHHH so exciting!

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