Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Joys of Midterms

A ridiculous amount of work + No sleep + Super cranky Meg = Midterms

It is inevitable each semester... the time right before spring break and the time in late October brings all the joys college students know to be midterms. It is the time when every professor finds it appropriate to assign major projects, papers, tests and actual midterms themselves. Often what happens is the semester is just progressing along slowly and enjoyably and then boom, all of a sudden you find yourself with major work due in every class. The upside is that midterms generally are spread out over two weeks, as all professors have different deadlines. The downside is that for two weeks, sleep is minimal, the work is never ending, and the overwhelming feeling of not being able to get it all done lingers.

This week kicked off the beginning of midterms. I had a project due yesterday, a case due today, an exam tomorrow, another project due next Tuesday, a presentation on Friday, a midterm next Wednesday, and a project and two tests due when I get back from spring break. Generally speaking, this ridiculous amount of work is normal for midterms. What is different this year is that I am going to Morocco over spring break and I will be busy going on business visits and do school-like activities while I'm there. So not only do I have to finish everything that is due before spring break, but I also have to finish everything that is due after spring break before I go because I won't have the time to do it when I'm gone nor the energy to do it when I get back. In addition to all of this, I have to get ready to go fly across the world in two weeks. I've been running around making to-do lists, purchasing things I need, and making crazy phone calls about things like immunizations and health insurance. And I haven't really even begun running errands for the trip yet!

It is just all so overwhelming! I know I will make it through the next two weeks because I always do make it through midterms and I always seem to emerge victorious. But I must say that this (and finals) are truly my least favorite parts of the year. It is a true test of how much you can endure with how little sleep. Yesterday I looked at the time stamp on an email I sent in the morning when I woke up just before I went to bed, and I had been up for 19 hours running on only 5 hours of sleep from the night before. That is just wrong. Though I do have to put things into perspective... last semester I stupidly took 6 classes (one too many) and it was like midterms all the time. So I should consider myself fortunate that the rest of the semester is pretty much a piece of cake compared to these two weeks.

Ok, that is enough whining for one day. I am Morocco-bound in approximately 11 days! How amazing is that? It's incredibly amazing! Life is good :)

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