Monday, September 21, 2009

And another year begins...

Every year when the beginning of school comes, I am both excited for another year and sad to see the summer go. This year my feeling was completely different. I spent the summer in Boston waiting tables at a local bar. While it was fun, it also grew tiresome. In mid-July I was ready for classes to start. I was excited to get back into the rhythm of classes, working in the Admission office, and mostly just being productive with my time. "Is it September yet?" was my most common phrase this summer.

Now that it is September and it is week three of classes, I'm saying "Is it winter break yet?" It's always hard to go from doing nothing but working and relaxing for four months to taking six classes. Don't get me wrong-- I love school and I love learning about the fascinating topic of Global Business that is my major... but I don't always love reading four chapters of unexciting text books before class. I think I may be developing a small case of senioritis which is not good considering that I have three semesters left before graduation! Of course, senioritis for me is not the typical malady that one hears about it. It is more like not doing all the reading before class or not going above and beyond to be ahead of the game (instead of on time) with assignments. But still-- it is kind of throwing me for a loop.

My being a slacker aside, my classes this semester are really interesting. I am taking French 101 which is so much fun. I took five years of French in middle school and high school so this is a refresher course for me. My Global Business major requires that I take one year of a foreign language. I went to Paris in May of 2008 and I never wanted to come home. Had my language skills been better, I may not have. The problem with my French education in high school was that it focused primarily on reading and writing. The college approach to languages is completely different. The professor focuses on our pronunciation (repetez apres moi) and our ability to listen which I think will actually teach me how to speak French. So be prepared for some franglais in future blogging entries :)

I am also taking Business Finance, Intro to International Business, The European Union, Marketing Research, and Management & Social Responsibility. Most of them are fairly self-explanatory. The European Union is a Griffin challenge course that runs for six weeks. It is about the history, evolution, economic and political environment of the EU. I am really enjoying it especially since one of my future career dreams is to work with the EU and business in the European sector.

Management & Social Responsibility is a one credit course that only meets three times during the semester. It is a core requirement for all business students that deals with nonprofits. In the class we are split into seven-person teams. Our goal is to act as a consulting team by proposing a solution to a problem to a real nonprofit in the Boston area. My class is working on solving a volunteer problem for The Boston Living Center, a nonprofit that provides support services for people living with HIV and AIDS. We have one month to put together a client report and prepare a presentation for the executives of the BLC. The great part about this class is that it gives Suffolk students the experience of doing real consulting work while being able to make a difference in the community. The not so great part about the class is that we have a lot of work to do in a very short period of time. But I think this will be a really excellent learning opportunity for me.

In addition to being a bit crazy with six classes, readjusting to my school schedule, and working in the admission office, I am also painting my room. I moved into a new apartment over the summer and the current color of my room is mustard with a bronze sponged on top. I have chosen a coral/cream color as a brighter and more appealing option. It is my first painting project all by myself and I'm not sure I totally know what I'm doing. But I have faith that I can do it and that it will be fabulous!

Another school years begins and I am busier than ever... A bientot!

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