Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's officially fall

September 21st has come and gone... its officially fall! I love the fall but I'm not quite ready for it yet. I was reading in the newspaper yesterday that this summer was the second wettest July in Boston's history. It seems ironic to me that the one summer that I choose to stay in Boston instead of going home to Maryland, and the one summer that I move to an apartment that is a five minute walk from the beach, is one of the coldest and wettest in Boston's history.

Considering that I have porcelin skin and the word "tan" is not even in my vocabulary, not having a lot of beach time wasn't that disappointing. Apparently it was a wet summer in Annapolis too so I didn't miss much. But regardless of all of that, I feel like I haven't had enough time in the warm weather to wear all my skirts and dresses! It sounds so girly and ridiculous, but I'm not ready to be wearing jeans on a regular basis yet.

There are always signs of the onset of fall. The turning of leaves, the cooler air, the annual Boston events (Head of the Charles, walk for Breast Cancer, Halloween festivities in Salem...) and the release of the pumpkin-spice latte at Starbucks. I love the pumpkin-spice latte-- it is the perfect warm-you-up drink on a chilly fall day. But I can't even begin to think about being ready to drink yet.

Hopefully I will be ready for fall sooner rather than later. I certainly don't want to miss it. I did have some pumpkin butter on my english muffin the other day, so I guess that is a step in the right direction.

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