Thursday, October 8, 2009

Coffee please...

I can't believe it is already the beginning of October! I'm really excited because my Management 200 course on nonprofit organizations is going to be finished as of next Friday! My European Union class will be finished as of the end of October. It is an exciting thought that in one month I will only have four classes to worry about for two whole months. I have never had as few as four classes, I don't know what I will do with all of my spare time!

I am beginning to realize the extent to which I am crazy. It's obvious that I've been crazy for a while, a known fact since high school. But I was up until 4:45 in the morning doing homework last night! Someone please tell me what is wrong with me. To my defense, I did take a nap for an hour between 9:00 and 10:00 and I slept in until 10:00 this morning. But still, I don't procrastinate (or I minimally do) so I'm not sure why I have to put in such long nights to keep up.

Part of the problem is my schedule. I have four evening classes and one morning class and work in between. I don't get home until after 8:00 every evening, so I don't start my homework until late. My advice to any student, especially freshman, is to stay away from evening classes as much as possible. One or two is fine, but four is too much.

I love school and most all of my classes, but I'm really tired. But in one week I will be so much less crazy, I might even be considered normal. What a thought :) Coffee Please!

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