Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wedding Weekend

My aunt got married this weekend in Brewster on the Cape. It was a small wedding-- just immediate family were invited. My parents, brother, two aunts and cousin all came up from Maryland for the weekend. And they all stayed in our apartment. It was a bit of a tight squeeze, but manageable. I went down to the Cape a day early with the happy couple to help decorate the house for the reception. It was actually my first trip ever to the Cape. It may have just been Brewster, but I was surprised at how much it was not like a beach town but more like suburban New England.

The wedding was at Paine's Creek beach on Sunday morning. We were so blessed with beautiful weather. It was windy which made it a bit chilly, but for late October on the Cape it was considerably warm and beautifully sunny. I was designated as the official photographer of the wedding since it was so small they didn't want to hire one. I used my old-fashioned 35 mm Nikon. These are a few of the shots that turned out really well.

The dogs were all invited to the wedding because it was on the beach. It did mean some chaos of barking, whining, and general dogs on the beach issues, but I think they enjoyed themselves :) Below are pictures of me with my youngest cousin Zac. He is young enough to be my nephew so I'm never really sure of how to refer to him. My uncle has taken to calling me his "Caunt" combining cousin and aunt, and of course pronouncing it the true Maryland way [Can't].

The other picture is all of the Smith cousins. On the left is my brother and on the right is my cousin, Gage. The funniest part of the picture is that they are both years younger, I'm wearing heels, and yet they are towering over me! I remember when people would tell me when I was a kid that my brother would be bigger than me one day. I never believed that was ever going to be possible. But a few years ago I had to start referring to him as my "younger brother" because people would laugh when I called him my "little brother."

My aunt and uncle that I live with made the cake. Isn't it incredible?! The cake itself was butter, butter and more butter. Delicious! Then they used homemade butter cream frosting and fondant and somehow got the flower to look like a gorgeous extension. My aunt is so sweet, she saved the extra frosting for me so I've been having a spoonful here and there the past few days. I love weddings!

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