Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Halfway there!

It's almost the end of October and this is the week for midterms, academic advising, and lots of project deadlines. I cannot believe that I've been in school for two months already. It seems like I just came back last week. Time flies when you're busy!

My sixth class, Management 200: Leadership and Social Responsibility ended on Friday. It was a one credit intensive that only met three times during the semester. The purpose of the course was to come up with a solution for a huge consulting project problem. It was a lot of work in a very short period of time. It feels like such a relief to have it finished! Not having to worry about that additional class has taken me from being absolutely overwhelmed to having a completely manageable workload. I had a total of four midterms this week. Two down and only two more to go! I've been telling myself since the begininng of the semester that if I can get through this week, it will be a miracle. And good news is, I'm halfway through the week, halfway through the semester and I still here! The rest of the semster should be a piece of cake :)

But no worries, I am still finding time to have a social life admist all this school work. Last weekend some of my friends from Maryland came up to visit. We went to Salem and did all sorts of Halloween activities. One of my aunts lives in Salem so I'm generally familiar with layout when walking around. I still managed to get us lost on our way from the Salem Common to the oldest candy store in the United States and the House of Seven Gables. Lost, shmost (is that how you would spell it? I'm not sure it's kinda more of a phonetic expression than a written one)-- anyway, it just added to my friends' experience of seeing historic Salem! We did a candlelit walking tour about ghosts, drank apple cider, got our palms read and did all the other fun things you do in Salem in October.

I've never had any sort of witchcraft reading done before, so getting my palm read was a first. Obviously I'm not a real believer in all of that stuff, but it was really interesting what the witch said to me. She told me that I have great influence over people when I speak (even if I don't know what I'm talking about), I have really high intellectual capabilities, and that I will be doing a lot of travelling in my future career. All of these things could be applied to anyone, but what was interesting was that she said I would go into Marketing. I didn't tell her that I'm a Marketing major. Kind of weird... perhaps even spooky! The funniest thing she told me was that I'm "restless as Hell." I found this so amusing because it's absolutely true. I love change and new adventures whenever possible. Again, I'm not convinced about palm reading and witchcraft, but it was fun nevertheless.

Next weekend my aunt is getting married on the Cape. I have a whole bunch of family coming into town for it. Should be a little chaotic but really fun. We have a total of ten people staying in our apartment with only one bathroom and it is a morning wedding. I'm so excited to see my family and my dog (my parents are bringing him up). I will have to write about the madness that ensues next week!

1 comment:

  1. Here I go commenting again!
    Have tons of fun at the wedding! Take lots of pictures :)
    I had my palm read's kinda fun but I don't really believe it either.
