Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Web Chat

Last week Jack and I participated in a College Week Live video chat. College Week Live is like a virtual college fair where students can go online to get information about college, chat with admission counselors, and watch streamed video of college students speaking about their school. Jack and I were those students speaking about Suffolk!

It was really fun but kind of weird. Jack did all of the technical work of setting up the webcam while I decorated the wall to make it seem spirited since I'm completely clueless when it comes to technology. The video chat was half-an-hour, a combination of us talking about our experience at Suffolk and answering student questions. It was kind of strange not only being on camera and knowing that prospective students I couldn't see were watching me, but also strange watching myself talk on the computer screen for 30 minutes. Needless to say, I don't think I'll ever become an actress.

It was really fun though! My favorite part of the whole experience was that I heard an ad on the radio the day before announcing College Week Live. The ad said, "All kinds of colleges will be there, like Suffolk University..." It was exciting because basically the radio was advertising me and Jack! Fun little moment of fame :)

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