Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Something magical

I woke up this morning to the sound of rain on my window. It was gray and cloudy. And yet I knew it was going to be a good day!

So many people get down and depressed when it is raining. There is never a comment like "Oh it's a beautiful day outside" when it rains. Although I don't always enjoy dealing with frizzy hair or wet feet, I love the rain. I particularly love Boston in the rain.

There is something so magical about Boston in the rain. A gray haze settles over the city. Often there is fog that surrounds and circulates the tops of the skyscrapers. Umbrellas, rain boots and hooded jackets can be seen everywhere. The streets are not as full. The people in the streets are either scurrying to get to anywhere that is dry or they are slowly walking and accepting their wet fate. The city, although hazy, seems illuminated as car lights turn on and the lights in buildings seems to glow more brightly. The rain drops hit the many puddles in the road with a constant fascinating rhythm.

I can't put my finger on what exactly makes it all so magical, but the rain transforms Boston into such an enchanting place. I absolutely adore being out in the rain, soaking it all in! No pun intended :)

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way when it snows in Boston. I love the snow here!
